Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Officially on Baby Watch

Today I am considered 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I am considered full term, so at this point the baby can come whenever the heck she wants and it won't be any sort of medical risk to either of us.

Monday in the mid-afternoon I started getting cramps akin to those that usually accompany a period. They don't get any better or worse, so I pretty much just have to deal with this until I pop into the doctor tomorrow AM for my checkup.

Today I've been told to stay home, relax, rest, sleep, etc. to see if the pain eases off. It hasn't yet, and I've had a ton of water to help combat the cramps. Here in a bit I'm going to try a hot bath to see if that helps.

I honestly think I'm hitting early labor. If I go in tomorrow and nothing has happened as far as my body shifting towards popping out this kid, I will absolutely lose it.

I have been psychologically prepared for the pain of labor and delivery, but the pain that has settled in since baby dropped is ridiculous. Nobody warned me about this part. I also wasn't prepared for nasty cramps that don't go away but don't lead to anything, either. I was expecting cramps to come in and ultimately lead to my kid being born.

So yeah. That's the update. I'm miserable with nothing to show for it.

On the plus side, we've gotten almost everything together for the arrival of this critter. We have the big critical stuff ready to go, and just need a few odds and ends here and there. I would post a belly pic, but I've avoided taking any since that is one of the emotional triggers I've noticed. I can't wait to just wear normal clothing again!


Jill said...

I am crossing my fingers that you're in actual early labor and not craptacular false labor like I had. I briefly, insanely, debated doing a self-performed at-home c-section just to make it stop. And my OB kept saying I was going to go any second because I was 3cm and 80% effaced for three whole weeks. But if nothing, it'll probably mean you have a pretty short labor if you have a lot of annoying false labor. Wish I had advice or consoling words, but all I can tell you is that screaming "get out" unfortunately does not work, nor does turning to your husband and saying "seriously, GET IT OUT NOW!" But for real, I hope your baby girl is less of a jerk than my guy and decides to come sooner rather than later :) Maybe she'll be a Halloween baby? If you're taking bets, mine is Halloween, haha.

Tonee said...

I went from 0d/0e to 1cm d/75%e in less than a week, so they're thinking we're actually hitting at least a few waves of early labor. Most bets have me going next week, but Nate is damn determined that I can't have this baby until Halloween. I told him she'll show up when she shows up and at this point I don't care when as long as she's done. (although I would prefer sooner rather than later!)