Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fatass Update

I've been doing very well with sticking to a maximum number of calories each day, and as a result, I've made smarter snacking choices. It's funny, I still indulge in junk food every once in a while, but now that I'm a month in, I no longer feel deprived. Heck, I even indulged in some McDonald's the other day. (Those large fries were totally worth the 500 relatively empty calories).

So, I'm down 10.3 lbs overall as of this past Friday. You can't really see it yet, but I've noticed that my clothes are starting to fit just a little bit better, which is motivation enough for me right now.

I was asked why I'm doing this, and I could tell you the noble reasons of just wanting to be healthy and wanting to set a good example for my daughter, and those are true. I can say that I want to prove that I can control myself, and that is also true, but I'll give you the true, original reason I decided to start making better choices:

I want my existing clothes to fit again. I'm cheap & lazy and don't want to have to go buy a bunch of new clothes. I have some awesome tshirts and comfortable jeans that just don't fit my fluffy self. I worked hard building my crazy tshirt collection, damnit!

I did purge out some pieces that are just inappropriate for me or that will NEVER fit again no matter how much weight I lose (post pregnancy/breastfeeding boobs, anyone?). I also got rid of those pants that I couldn't figure out why I still had them. I still probably own too many clothes, but I'm not purging anything else until I know for sure what kind of weight I maintain.

I've found that sticking with this for the just over a month that I have that little changes have been the biggest help. Bored? Take a short walk. I dance around to music while doing dishes. I dance around a lot, actually, now that Addy can somewhat walk and spends more time on her feet.

I honestly am looking forward to her walking more because I think chasing her around will do wonders for building up a more active lifestyle.

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