Wednesday, September 21, 2011

47 Days To Go

47 Days to go until our due date...just shy of 7 weeks.

I just want to say that this kid better be worth it. I am done being pregnant. I am done feeling huge, I am done being uncomfortable all the freaking time, and I'm done with the quirks of pregnancy. I realize my body will never be quite the same again, but I want at least some predictability and familiarity back. I want to be able to sleep on my back again.

I'm still waiting for the glow everyone talks about. All I seem to have is a puberty-level zit breakout and an awkward gait. I've avoiding taking pictures this whole time because I just flat out feel awful. I know I'm going to regret not putting weekly pictures in my pregnancy keepsake book, but it's hard to ask someone to take a picture when you just feel like a freaking whale. I don't like going out in public like this, let alone having photographic evidence of it.

That's another thing...I don't like how much I'm complaining, but I can't think of any other way to deal with it. I'd rather just rant, get it over with, and move on. As they say, it's a little late now to change my mind :-)

Honestly, though, I can't wait to meet this kid. We're trying to figure out what she's going to look like...and we have no idea. After all, I'm a blonde born of a brunette and a redhead, so who the hell knows. The general consensus right now is that we're going to end up with a redhead. It would be suiting that both Keating girls are redheads. If she is, though, heaven help us all :-D

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