Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Update!

So it seems like this little one has decided to treat me like a majority of first time moms and show up late.
She's just like her father already!

So here's the rundown from the doctor this morning. For those of you keeping track, I've had prodromal labor issues for the last month or so and even the doc was convinced I'd have this baby by her due date. Due date was November 7.

My blood pressure has been running a bit high for me. If we're talking textbook, things are still within acceptable ranges, but it's high based on my medical history so they kept me a little longer and monitored me for a while just to be safe. There are no proteins and very minor swelling, so they don't believe it's late onset pre-eclampsia, but if anything goes sideways I'm to get my butt up to L&D.

My due date was changed halfway through this pregnancy due to how fast things were growing, measuring, etc. Since then, we've measured right on track for the EDD of November 7. We're now measuring a bit ahead. Baby is positioned well, and my fundal height is actually measuring big. They did some basic external exams, and all seems well with the little one. Yaay!

We have an end date in sight if she doesn't join us of her own accord.

The rundown:
Monday: go to OSU L&D for an ultrasound, nonstress test, BP monitoring..pretty much the whole battery of tests they do on anyone a week after their due date just to make sure things really are just fine.

Tuesday: Back to the OB to go over test results, monitor my BP some more, that sort of thing.

Friday: Induction. Yup. If she doesn't join us on her own, they are inducing me Friday evening. They wanted to do it a little closer to my due date, but since there is no medical emergency I got the first non-emergency time slot available. I have it scheduled for 6pm Friday, so theoretically next weekend there will be a baby in our family!

I'm hoping she joins us before then, but it wouldn't be the first time a woman has had to be induced because baby was just too darned comfortable :-D

It's crazy knowing that one way or another this baby will be showing up soon. So, let's all just hope that she joins us on her own so we can avoid the induction. I don't want to be stuck on those monitors more than necessary!


Unknown said...

How exciting!! Hope she decides to come before Friday so you can avoid the induction. If not tho, at least you know the end is in sight! :)

Phygerion said...

Ahhhhh! The uncles are off that day and we will be reporting for womb-popping recovery duty.

Amanda said...

hold on till then!!!! i will be home on break!!!!

Jill said...

So exciting! But if you do end up getting induced, it's really not that bad. My OB said the horror stories are usually from women who weren't dilated/effaced at all, and just weren't ready, but if you have a good Bishop's score it should be a piece of cake. Here's hoping she comes sooner though! Maybe she's just waiting for tomorrow so she has a nifty birthday :P