Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Easy Spinach Dip

So, for quite a while I've made this really awesome spinach dip. It's always a big hit, and until now all I've said about making it is how easy it is to make. I love to cook, but when I can slap something together that is super tasty very easily, it's a double win for me. Lazy & delicious, yes please!

Anyhow, I've been promising to share this one for quite a while, and with the Super Bowl tonight, I figured now was as good a time as any. So, finally, here is how to make my Super Easy Spinach Dip.

 This is it. All you need. 4 ingredients. Told you it was easy.
Thaw & drain the spinach. Make sure you get all the water out, otherwise your dip will get runny.
Put the mayo in a bowl.
Then add the sour cream.
Toss in the onion soup mix.

Give it a good mix. You can stop here and have a good onion dip, but I can't handle that.
Pile in the spinach.
Mix the ever loving daylights out of it. Mix it until every tiny piece of spinach is coated in that pretty beige mixture. Then mix it some more. Cover it, toss it in the fridge.

You can use it right away, but I've found that it's better if you can let it sit in the fridge for at least a couple of hours. I like to try to do mine overnight, which is a huge feat considering I just want to dive in and eat it right away. Put some wheat thins with it, or make something. I was going to make pita bread but I was far too lazy for that...especially when triscuits were on sale at Meijer. Here's the recipe for a standard batch; I made a double batch in the pictures.

1 box (10oz) frozen spinach
1 packet dry onion soup mix
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayo

Thaw & drain spinach thoroughly. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Cover & refrigerate before serving.

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