Monday, January 5, 2009

Here I am, Bride-to-be, in my new pink-n-sparkly hat. In case it's hard to read, it says "Bride" and was a complete impulse buy when I went to David's Bridal today to buy my shoes. I got the shoes on super mega clearance for $20 (that includes the price to have them dyed), so I splurged $12.95 for the hat. It's actually a very comfortable hat, and makes me feel delightfully girly with all of this.

Yup, there's more of me being silly in my pretty and sparkly pink hat. The camera doesn't do this thing justice, as it is delightfully bright pink and very silly girly. I somehow see me arguing with my bridesmaids over wearing this hat instead of the veil at the bachelorette scavenger hunt chaos.

I've decided that I'm just not going to stress out about everything like I have been. I have a meeting with an officiant on Sunday, and tonight is our appointment to start finding things he likes for his clothing. We at least have agreed on vests, so there's one step in the right direction for us.

One of my girls found a dress at JC Penney in the perfect color that works beautifully with her body type. Best part? On clearance for $70 marked down from almost $200. One girl down, two to go. I still have to get the ring-bearer pillow and flower girl basket. Then again, we still need a ring bearer. Maybe. It looks like one of my bridesmaids is going to loan me her son for the evening :-D

That's all, really. I've decided that I'm not going to stress out and cry for at least three months. Come St. Patrick's Day, though, all bets are off. For now, all is good.

~The Future Mrs. K

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