Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Crafting Addiction

I love to craft, even though I'm really not that good at it. I've found, however, that having a 1 year old to intrude upon everything I do makes crafting difficult.

Fortunately, I found something I can easily put down and hide from her as the need arises: Crochet.

My mom started teaching me to crochet many, many years ago. I walked away from it and forgot about it, only randomly picking it back up to get busy again with other things. I've recently picked it back up again and have managed to actually finish a few projects!

So far, I've made Addy a hat and a matching scarf, and I made an adult hat for my friend Jimmy complete with a puff ball on top. Now I'm working on learning how to make slippers/socks and snowflakes.

I've decided that I really like this new hobby, and since my projects are starting to look like what they're supposed to be, I'm going to start getting adventurous with it. Who knows, I might get good enough to make hats & mittens to donate to charities to help keep people warm. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

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