Wednesday, January 2, 2013

365 Project

I've seen a lot of 365 project ideas running around the internet. I've always thought they were pretty fun and creative, but I lack creativity, photography skills, and follow-through.

I've decided "Screw it, I'm going for it!" the other day. So, I'm going to take at least 1 photo a day of something involving our lives. I'm not doing any fancy theme. Honestly, I just want to capture some of the moments in our lives. I've started and have actually taken pictures for the whole 2 days of 2013 so far! Better than most other projects.

I may or may not blog them all, but we'll see what happens. Unfortunately the ancient iBook is a bit too old to pull things from my camera, but that doesn't make it impossible to blog from this computer, just inconvenient for spur-of-the-moment thoughts.

So there you have it. I'm attempting a 365 project. If this time next year I've managed to actually have the pictures I want/need to take, then hot damn!!

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