Friday, January 4, 2013

Overdue Babbling

This particular update is being brought to you from a very old, very outdated Apple iBook. The teeny little 12" one at that.

You see, several years ago, my technologically capable Grandma decided she wanted a laptop and this is what she bought. she loved it, she used it all the time to play games online, to email family, or to just browse the web. When my Grandma died in 2006, the little iBook started out with my dad but ultimately came to me. It sat in a closet for several years, and then my tried and true HP was stolen from my apartment on campus. Fortunately I had a desktop by then so all that was lost was pictures. Lots of great pictures, yes, but it could've been worse. The iBook came out briefly, but ultimately ended up back in the closet.

Anyhow, when I had Addy in 2011 (see, I can't say "last year" anymore), I dug out the iBook to take to the hospital with me. It's a good thing I did considering I had an unplanned c-section and therefore was in the hospital for the better part of a week. This little iBook saved my sanity. There's nothing quite like being stuck in the hospital recovering from major surgery and being restricted in your movement thanks to tons of IVs. After we got home, the iBook went back into storage. We didn't have wifi hooked up at the house until recently.

Our dear friend Jimmy bought us a wireless router for the house as a Christmas present so I could cut down my data usage on my phone and indulge my kindle habit without having to tether myself to the desktop.

Of course, I broke out the little iBook. And that is when it hit me. This iBook has been in and out of storage for the last six years, and yet it still smells like my Grandma's house. Let that sink in for a bit.

Perspective: A closet at my parents' house, a closet at my campus apartment, a closet at my first place with Nate, several hotel rooms, a hospital, and my closet at my current home. And it still smells like Grandma's house.

I, of course, immediately started sobbing. Hardcore ugly crying to be more precise. I think part of the punch was that I pulled it out just before the 6 year anniversary of my Grandma's death.

As a result, I wrote out a rather long journal entry just remembering her. I'm debating sharing it.

If I decide to share it, it'll pop up within the next few days.

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