Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. Happy

This is Mr. Happy. During some of our last days at FYE, we had gotten to the point where we just didn't have anything else to do. No shipments, barely anything to straighten, and nothing left to throw away because we needed it for the next couple of weeks. So...we played. We played with whatever toys, leftover supplies, and mystery boxes of stuff we found while cleaning. I found a big bag of balloons we would use for the various sales, and decided that nothing would make me happier than balloons. Like all retail stores, we also had a boat load of permanent markers. Enter Mr. Happy. I had a great day with Mr. Happy...until Bryan killed him. Bryan, the senior assistant manager, put packing tape on Mr. Happy. He died a horrible, gruesome death. All I have left of him is this picture snapped with my cell phone.

Rest in peace, Mr. Happy.

(you can also see how bare our shelves were getting towards the end, too!)

1 comment:

brenda said...

bahahaha mr happy is awesomesauce XD