Monday, October 11, 2010

Perhaps I'm Pathetic...

I am still addicted to Degrassi.

I'm 24, and should be over this show, but alas, I am not.

Anyhow, I've finally decided on a Halloween costume for this year, now I just have to go shopping to find the coat in my price range. I'm going as Carmen SanDiego.

Yes, I am that big of a nerd. I've got everything but the two most important pieces: the coat and the hat. I found the hat. I need to find the coat.

This is my mission.


brenda said...

ahh my friend was carmen sandiego a few years ago! ill ask her where she got the coat :)

brenda said...

well she said she found her coat at a goodwill in toledo. however she just donated it to salvation army last week suggest looking in thrift stores lol

Tonee said...

Thanks for the tip...planning on hitting a few this weekend :-D