Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Kid Walks!

Addy took her first steps on January 9, and every day would take a few steps, fall over and crawl where she wanted to get. Gradually she walked more and more, to the point she doesn't crawl around the house at all.

I'm excited. She still crawls when we're at other places, but even that tendency is starting to fade away. My little girl is really becoming a toddler, which is exciting and terrifying. She's been a climber since before she could even crawl, and she's now getting downright daring.

She's also starting to show preference between items. She prefers one book over another, one shirt over another, etc. Most recently she's starting bringing me jackets (if they aren't put away properly) and freaking out until I help her put them on. She wore a denim jacket all day (including nap time) one day last week. She brings me a pair of her shoes and says "Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!" until I help her put them on her feet. She's preferring her white tennis shoes this week, and will even walk with them on, which is a first. Usually shoes on her feet would inspire her to crawl. Last week, she wanted to only wear her pink cowboy boots.

Sad Puppy is still her absolute favorite toy above all others. She'll throw anything down, including forbidden items, if presented with Sad Puppy.

So, I guess today I'm realizing more and more how fast they grow up. When you aren't a parent, you don't fully get it when people say that. Damn you, general knowledge for being correct!

Earlier this afternoon, Addy was standing in front of her rocking chair and watching Sesame Street, and I realized she's starting to look like a kid more than a baby, too.

I blame the tennis shoes.

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