Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Taste of Spring

We're finally getting a taste of spring here in Columbus, and I couldn't be happier about it. Usually by mid-February, I'm a wreck and so sick of the cold that I'm going crazy.

March showed up with 6.9 inches of snow that, fortunately, melted pretty quickly. Each day it's been getting warmer and my soul has been perking up. Yesterday it was above 60! Today it's supposed to be above 65! Hallelujah!

I'm currently sitting in a silent house (Addy's asleep), enjoying my lunch and the breeze coming through the living room window. Once I'm done with this, I'm going to bake chocolate doughnuts to share with the guys.

Every Sunday my best friends get together and have our own version of family dinner. Everyone takes turns cooking (or paying for takeout) and we hang out, eat, play know, things normal families do without the drama.

These weekly gatherings are what started the Nerf arms race, which is on temporary hiatus because Tim took a dart to the eye. We're adults, you think we'd be smart enough to wear eye protection.

Now we're on a board games kick. Last week we played 13 Dead End Drive. Remember that game? It's effing AWESOME. This week it's hard to say what we'll do, but I'm going to take a couple of my board games over.

I'm a board game junkie.

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