Sunday, March 31, 2013

This & That & some ancient Jews

There are quite a few things going on in my universe recently, but I can never seem to find the time or the words to talk about them properly.

The weight loss is continuing, although it has dramatically slowed down. I blame myself for being less active recently. We had a cold snap and I hate the cold, so I went into lazy mode and hid in the house. The weather seems to be improving finally, so hopefully that will change.

Addy is sick. She woke up on Thursday a snotty mess and has gotten worse each day. Yesterday wasn't too bad, but now she's running a fever that won't quite break even with medicine. It lowers, but doesn't break. She's currently sleeping way earlier than her usual naptime. I'm guessing she's just got a nasty cold, but if the fever doesn't break today I'm calling the doctor first thing in the morning. I live in fear of an ear infection. I'd rather go in and be told it's just a cold than ignore an ear infection and have an ear drum rupture.

Other than my impromptu trip down to Slate Run, I haven't been to a park in a while and once again I'm blaming the cold. I did realize that I have one trail left up at Blendon Woods and 3 very short trails left in Three Creeks. Hopefully those will get knocked off the list soon. I don't want to drag a sick kid out of the house unnecessarily, though.

Of course the Gay Marriage debate is raging right now. I'll say one sentence and move on: I fully support equal marriage amongst consenting adults, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

I've been very behind of a lot of news recently and the part of me that is used to being plugged in all the time feels very deprived and ignorant. At the same time, the part of me that loves the happy little bubble consisting of me taking care of my kid is quite blissful. Ahh, to be worldly and self-absorbed all at once.

This past Tuesday, Addy and I went to Cinci to meet up with some friends at the Children's Museum. Now, my love of the Cinci Museum Center is well documented. I love the building, I love the museums, and I love the people. Until now, however, I'd never had an excuse to go into the Children's Museum. I now have a walking, exploring, mischievous toddler on my hands. We didn't even get a chance to explore the entire Children's Museum it's so big! I'm really excited to get Nate down there with her to play and explore. He still hasn't made it down there with me.

I also checked out the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. I know that's strange to many since I am a pretty vocal secular humanist, but whole college life once I abandoned theater was about archaeology. I had to see one of the coolest archaeological finds in global history. The exhibit was great, even for those of us who don't subscribe to the religions. There are many wonderful pieces, from pottery to mosaics, that highlight life in the 1st century BCE. It's there through April 14, so if you get a chance and you like history, go see it. The 10 scrolls are super cool to see, too.

That's really all I've got for now.

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