Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sick Kids Wreck Days

It's been close to 10 days of sickness in the Keating household. Just as it seems like Addy is healing up, she relapses. Poor kid has been fighting a cold with a disappearing/reappearing fever for the better part of 10 days. Fortunately the fever has been gone for 7 of those days, but the runny nose and now cough from the post nasal drip just won't go away.

We've been cooped up in the house because of this, and I'm going insane. The weather is finally feeling good, so I'm desperate.

I did something silly that I've been procrastinating on for a very long time. I took my work bag from my last job and finally cleaned it out. I put all the papers from the old job into recycling, I threw away all the expired alcohol wipes, and even put the bag itself into the washer. Now I have a binder filled with page protectors and a pretty (but worn) tote bag that no longer has a job. 

There hasn't been much going on thanks to the sick kid. I started watching Call the Midwife, my Degrassi addiction is still in full force, and...yeah, that's it. I have several books on reserve at the library, so that's cool.

Eventually, I will sit down and make a list of interesting topics I could blog about. Actually, I'll say it's happening soon, but I'm reserving the right to use the Joe Peacock definition of "soon."

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