Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hopefully my hand holds out!

The RSVP cards are here, meaning I actually have to start getting the invitations out now. I'm being incredibly lazy and just addressing the envelopes myself. I was going to print them, but I don't have enough extras in the correct size to play around with my printer settings. So, while Nate goes grocery shopping, I'm going to be here addressing envelopes and getting ready to head to the post office. It's amazing when you realize that...yeah. We're getting things done! finally!

The bags I got for the girls showed up today, too...and fortunately the purple I used for Christi's bag didn't come out super girly and dorky like I feared. It actually looks very good.

My hand is cramping just thinking about how many addresses I'm going to have to write today! Fortunately, I'm going to save a little bit of money by breaking decorum and hand delivering a few of the invitations. I figure that if I see certain people almost every day, I can go ahead and invite them personally rather than spend the money to mail invites out. Yes, it breaks decorum and formality, but we've never been that formal and we're on a tight budget.

I'm off to brave my list of 50something envelopes. Away I go!

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